Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Wed. July 29th WITH meeting

Email from Al:

this wednesday is our bimonthly WITH MEETING. we will meet here at 630 pm to
discuss church life together. your new board members will be on hand and
items included will be such.

charitable status plans
six month financial review
needed items
a mission trip
process for board nominations
upcoming flex days

until soon
enjoy this shot

and come if you can.

1 comment:

swilek said...

I keep forgetting to ask Al but if you are looking into a missions trip, here's an idea...my uncle is a missionary in Nain Labrador with the Inuit's. They are building a youth community centre..also need help with VBS... You can only reach Nain via plane but could drive to Goose Bay. It is a needy community...there are many teen suicides...anyways, let me know what you think APhra and Al!!! Karyne