Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Fundraising coffeehouse AUG 22

From email from Al:
our funraising
coffee house is scheduled for SATURDAY AUGUST 22ND AT 7PM at rustle. guests
included are jason johnston, amanda coutreau, annette mcaffrey and brenden
lorimer with special guests the terns.

poster to follow.

this is being billed as a "leftover lounge presents" with all proceeds left
over going to support the Honduras Art Experience. funds made from cover
(tickets at door) and concessions will be placed to cover the airfare for
Christina Kearns. She is planning to go visit Dave and Esther in Honduras in
Sept and will return at the end of October.

so that is that.
please note also that there is no lunch this week at Rustle.(Aug 16)
fend for yourselves after the service.

more news later
Al Doseger
hired hand

ps we plan to have the Make open house at 230 this friday. come if you can
to see what amazing creations were made. there may be cake.

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