2000 years ago a strong wind blew in and spiritual power was left on the believers. Jesus promised this. We remember and celebrate this day and call it Pentacost. 50 days on the other side of Christ's death. Our sacred texts hinted about it. The brooding over the deeps was left for us. Our church needs it. It may have been here all the while but in some mysterious moment the promise of never being orphaned was gifted in the person of the Holy Ghost. This too changed everything. A few sundays ago I asked the Spirit Led ones of our church (each and everyone who invites) to ask the Ghost to create in you something for our church and in 120 days bring it to a brand new celebratory day called Pennycost (your two cents).
I said if you are knitters pearl one drop a stitch and make something holy. If you are musical ask Jesus to grant you a new tune. If you can cook then plan to bring a creation to us so that the "face of the ground" will become brand new. John Porter did this when he redeemed the little and the least of the hoagie house remnants. He changed the ground!! Literally and figuratively. He fed. He gave. He created!! Some of you have bellies full to attest to this!
I was not challenging you I was setting a fire under you. igniting what was latent in you. God wants to keep the "us" in Rustle and He is glorified by our spiritual creations. Listeners listen, painters paint, singers sing, teachers teach, lovers love, dreamers dream and the elderly are never too old to reveal Gods deep mercy, grace and visionary kingdom here on earth. No one is outside this favour. None. All of us bring.
If this needs clarity I am more than happy to sit and sup and talk in length about the gracious act of God through His Son and by His Spirit. So what are you waiting for? The Spirit has come - now go forge and by doing so you will refresh the face of the planet.
May it be so.
Pastor Al Doseger